Posts in E-Textiles

A unique solution for traceability, production monitoring, anti-theft, anti-counterfeiting based on RFID communication techniques, in situ measurement and decoration.

A sparkle of intelligence embedded in 1 Dimension physical structures for any materials and objects and from design to end of life…

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The hardware team at Verily is building devices and tools that are smaller, more powerful, and more convenient than ever before. Smaller devices fit more easily into daily life so they can monitor conditions more consistently and proactively signal when something is amiss. For example, we are currently partnering to develop a contact lens with an embedded glucose sensor. We hope this smart contact lens will make it easier for people with diabetes to monitor themselves continuously by measuring the glucose in their tears.

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Dupont's Stretchable Inks

DuPont stretchable electronic inks provide an elegant, manufacturing-ready alternative to previous methods of embedding electronics in clothing.  The end result is a thin, form-fitting circuit that can be seamlessly fused with standard fabrics, allowing for unprecedented comfort and freedom in wearable electronics design.

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Stretch Sense

Wearable motion capture sensors that measure stretch, pressure, bend, and shear

Our wearable sensors are designed to unobtrusively measure large and small strains, and transmit the data accurately to a bluetooth enabled device, without the need for constant recalibration. Our capacitive sensors provide accurate, stable data when stretched repeatedly. 

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Since 2008 we have focused on European cooperation (EU-FP7) and contract development for commercial and institutional actors. Ohmatex now works with leading technology companies in Europe on the development of smart textiles for clients in the space, medical, sports and safety sectors.

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Imagine a future where wearables are actually, well, wearable. Not that you asked for our $0.02, but this future needs robust and reliable smart fabric to become a reality. Our Smart fabric conducts electricity in patterns, making a fabric into a circuit. These sorts of smart fabrics mean an exciting future for not just apparel, but also furniture, industrial wear and yes, even wristbands. To create this future, we're mixing up stretchable and flexible conductive materials to bring energy to your fabric - literally.

We make enabling technologies to help brands, manufacturers, and makers bring electricity to their products.

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Founded in January 2016 in Nottingham, United Kingdom, Advanced E- Textiles (adetexs) represents a pioneering company in providing smart garment and wearable electronics solutions in the fields of medical, Sports and Recreational, Fashion and Entertainment, Military, Automotive and Retail.adetexs uses a novel process of integration of electronic into textiles characterized by a revolutionary technology which is non-obtrusive and maintain textile / apparel form factors providing maximum comfort to the wearer irrespective of its application.Advanced E-Textiles is renowned for providing customized consultancy for global organizations in the fields of textiles, technical textiles and more importantly in the Smart and wearable textile applications.

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